Feng Shui made easy
October 1998
interview by Alexandra A. Send
"From one book to the next, I go deeper and deeper into feng shui", says geomancy author Lillian Too.
But as the stack of published volumes rises around the Malaysian writer, simplicity seems to be more her motif these days.
Three years ago, she wrote the bestselling Complete Illustrated Guide to Feng Shui.
Last year she put out the Feng Shui Fundamentals series and earlier this year she published Lillian Too's Basic Feng Shui.
Now, though, she really gets down to the bare bones with the release of Lillian Too's Little Book of Feng Shui: bite size morsels on geomancy of everyday life.
Is it by design that her latest works are more pared down?
"My job is to demystify feng shui," she says.
"In my earlier books, I thought I made it easy, but people come to me and say 'make it simpler.'"
Too knows all about making life less complicated. Ten years ago she left her position as executive chairman at Hong Kong department store Dragon Seed to move to Malaysia. |
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