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Lillian Too's More Than 100 Ways to Improve Your Love Luck

Published Year : 2016

Lillian Too brings easily understood Feng Shui for anyone wanting to strengthen their luck in love and romance, and to attract genuine marriage possibilities into their lives. Those already married can use the enthrallment rituals within to improve their togetherness luck with their spouses; lovers can use this book to take their relationships to new levels of commitment; lonely people wanting an improved social life can use the tips within to improve their chances of meeting their soul mates. This is a fabulous go-to guide for instant and effective love feng shui.

Lillian Too's Feng Shui for Interiors (Completely Updated)

Published Year : 2016

Easy ways to create and maintain good fortune in homes, apartments and living spaces.

In this fully updated edition of a bestselling favourite, Lillian Too offers easy-to-use ways to arrange your interior spaces that will work in any modern environment. Using powerful Taoist and compass feng shui methods, this book is full of invaluable tips on how you can activate your home in ways that are totally under your control.

There is no need for disruptive, extensive renovations to enjoy good feng shui. Learn how to instantly improve the energy of your interior spaces to attract an abundance of good fortune into your life.

Lillian Too's Spiritual Feng Shui

Published Year : 2012

Good feng shui luck is awesome and when you successfully tap into the abundance of the COSMIC UNIVERSE, it gets even better. You can access new wealth, new love relationships, new career opportunities and new business directions that expand almost every aspect of your life. Staying safe against bad luck is equally important; how to be seriously protected against getting harmed or controlled by those who practise the black arts. This book will raise your spiritual essence and give you new courage. It is a MUST READ for anyone who has ever felt intimidated, politicked against and made a victim of.

The Chinese Destiny Book - Tung Sing 2013

Published Year : 2012

The popular guide to "Everything Victorious", Tung Sing 2013 contains comprehensive windows into all the ways to create a smooth path to harmony, good fortune and success for the year of the Water Snake. Included in this book are 2013's Spring Ox giving a snapshot of the year's outlook, New Year rituals so necessary for starting the year auspiciously, information about the year's dominant Constellation, the 24 Lunar Mansions, the 60 Earthly Branches, Face Reading, Palm Analysis, Dream Interpretation, Easy Chi Kung, Wisdom Proverbs, Taoist Talismans, Good Luck moles, Annual Taboos, Recipes for Good Health, Lucky Numbers, 24 Mountain Stars, Purple Star Astrology and much more!

Lillian Too & Jennifer Too Fortune & Feng Shui 2013

Published Year : 2012

The Year of the Water Snake imbues the world with a unique brand of chi bringing awesome potential for growth, prosperity and success! For the first time in 9 years, the feng shui chart returns to its original Lo Shu positions, creating the magic Sum-of-Ten configuration for all 12 animal signs! Lillian and Jennifer skilfully extrapolates an accurate look at the year's luck prospects and analyses the luck readings for each of the 12 animal signs. In addition to the flying stars and 24 mountain stars, learn about your five-luck profile, the Trigram influence, your vitality and power numbers, monthly predictions and compatibility with each horoscope sign this year. Plus, potent tips on boosting your Wealth, Power and Success luck for 2013, as well as a bonus chapter on the Eight Direction Houses!

Lillian Too Secrets of Your Birth Chart

Published Year : 2012

Everyone has questions about their future, and here is where the art of unlocking the secret of your Chinese birth chart can reveal clear and deep insights about your destiny. In her new book "Secret of Your Birth Chart" , Lillian Too breaks down the method of reading your own Paht Chee into easy-to-follow steps, and reveals in great depth all the influences that will shape the highs and lows of your future.

Lillian Too's 365 Feng Shui Tips

Published Year : 2012

Brings you a tip a day to get you auspiciously through the year. Crammed full of substantive pointers, formulas, methods and practical hints, this is a book every feng shui practitioner will use as an easy reference guide to instant feng shui.

Lillian Too & Jennifer Too Fortune & Feng Shui 2012

Published Year : 2011

This book brings detailed personalized readings of luck prospects and horoscopes for 2012 Here are the year's insights and the monthly readings on what to expect in terms of career, business, health, love and relationships. There are important new tips on how to suppress the year's afflictions and how to enhance your personalized feng shui. This book helps to instantly improve your vitality and chi essence, empower your aura with invaluable new secrets and enhance your surroundings to maximize 2012's exciting prosperity potential.

Lillian Too's Tibetan Cosmic Magic Series - 21 Tara Oracle

Published Year : 2011

Let Tara tell you exactly what you need to know and what you need to do to overcome any career uncertainties, health problems, relationship issues or financial difficulties you may be facing. This book gives very specific advice on exactly what amulets to wear, what mantras to use and what to decide when faced with a dilemma.

Lillian Too's Feng Shui for Interiors

Published Year : 2011

In this new improved edition, Lillian Too offers 168 easy-to-use ways to arrange your interior spaces that will work in any modern, contemporary environment. Using powerful Taoist and compass feng shui methods, this book is full of tips on how you can activate your home in ways that are totally under your control. There is no need for disruptive, extensive renovations to enjoy good feng shui. Learn how to instantly improve the energy of your interior spaces to attract an abundance of good fortune into your life.

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Feng Shui Books

Browse through our collection of Feng Shui books by Lillian Too.
Other Feng Shui Books

Other Feng Shui books from Lillian Too.
Feng Shui Fundamental Books

Each of these nine pocket-sized hardback books covers a specific area of life to which Feng Shui can be applied.

Packed with information and illustrated in colour throughout, these introductions are both entertaining and full of insights into this ancient Chinese practice.
Translated Books

Books translated in languagues such as Chinese, French, German, Greek, Italian, Dutch, Polish, Russian, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Thai and more.
World Of Feng Shui
Feng Shui Megamall
Konsep Books