Tips for Your Home !!
When looking for ideal feng shui locations follow the Form School of Feng Shui and then build your home according to your personal best directions.
Feng Shui can also be activated to improve wealth, children's luck, acquisition of knowledge (exams et al), recognition (elevations in rank and promotions), and fame.
For a full and comprehensive coverage on the various applications of Feng Shui refer to Lillian Too's third book Practical Applications Of Feng Shui. |
Activating the presence of water leads to loss - loss of money and loss of relationships. Water features refer to paintings with river, waterfalls and lakes. They also refer to aquariums. Glasses of water by the bedside are fine. |
If you wish, you may try this: activate the North corner of your office by placing a small aquarium or fishbowl there. |
There are several ways to use Feng Shui as a tool to enhance business success. |
The Chinese believe that in every woman's lifetime she has several opportunities of marriage, and that each of these opportunities represents a crossroad. |
The best way to tap into the health benefits of Feng Shui is to discover the direction that is best in alignment with your best health luck according to the compass formula contained in my book APPLIED PA KUA LO SHU FENG SHUI. |
When looking for ideal feng shui locations follow the Form School of Feng Shui and then build your home according to your personal best directions. |