Meet The Many Faces of MPC - Beautiful Souls from 20 Countries Sharing a Common Passion for Feng Shui!
The most fun and exciting moments of my job come around about two to three times a year, when we host students who enrol for Lillian Too’s Master Practitioner Course in Feng Shui. Each class brings an exciting mix of people and it is just an absolute pleasure getting to know each of them! It never ceases to amaze me how these individuals come from such diverse backgrounds and cultures, and are able to “click” with each other so quickly!
Lillian Too Inspires Students From 19 Countries To Convene In Malaysia For Her Master Practitioner Course in Feng Shui
It's quite cosmic how people from such diverse backgrounds can find their way to KUALA LUMPUR and meet new friends while learning advanced Feng Shui! This time Lillian Too's October Class of MPC in fengshui inspired 28 talented students from around the globe to make their way to our beautiful country of MALAYSIA and this special class brought students from Australia, Aruba, Hong Kong, India, Japan, Czech Republic, Iran, Iraq, Malaysia, New Caldonia, Ecuador, Singapore, Mexico, Turkey, French Polynesia, Kazakhstan, Vietnam and the USA!
MPC: An International Affair on FENG SHUI!
Once again Lillian Too’s highly popular Masters Practitioner’s Class (MPC April 2011) has attracted a full class of students from 19 different countries, including Australia, Spain, India, Indonesia, Japan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Malaysia, Mauritius, Mozambique, Oman, Phillipines, Qatar, Trinidad, Romania, Singapore, Thailand, Turkey and the USA!
PAHT CHEE & MPC Classes Continue Its Fabulous Cosmopolitan Mix
Once again Lillian Too’s ever-popular back to back two weeks Master Practitioner’s Course series on Paht Chee & Feng Shui brought students from all around the world to the magical city of Kuala Lumpur. This time, students from Australia, Canada, India, Indonesia, Lebonan, Macau, Malaysia, Nigeria, Philippines, Serbia, Singapore, UAE, UK and the USA spent a glorious week with Lillian, learning the secrets of paht chee and feng shui.
Lillian Too’s MCC draws fabulous students from 15 countries!
Once again, Lillian Too has just completed the July class of Masters Consultants Course. Held once a year, this course is the advanced sequel offered only to participants who have already successfully completed the MPC.
Lillian Too debuts the Third Dimension of Feng Shui in Singapore
Lillian's Third Dimension of Feng Shui talk in Singapore turned out to be a wonderful and encouraging success. We had expected about 500 people to sign up, but more than 1000 individuals from all over the world convened at the Suntec Centre on June 27th to hear her speak about this subject.
Feng Shui Experts in The Making
Lillian Too conducted two back-to-back courses in July 2009. The first week saw a varied group of 22 students from Australia, Cyprus, UAE, India, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Netherlands, Philippines, Russia and USA fly in to attend her Master Practitioners Course in Feng Shui. This MPC course is usually held just 3 times a year and this is the second this year. Participants of the class commented that they particularly loved the intimacy of the group.
Lillian Too Holds Inaugural Master Class on Inner Feng Shui
March 2009 saw Lillian Too launch her inaugural new program on INNER FENG SHUI, a five day course on meditations, mind training, mental transformations, affirmations, visualizations and an amazing introduction to the 21 manifestations of the Buddhist Goddess TARA. FSW is proud and happy to publish these unedited comments from participants who came from around the world to attend. The class was kept small on purpose to ensure participants could all connect directly with Lillian.
More than Feng Shui Lessons
Over one hundred red and yellow balloons slowly rose into the dark moonless sky. For a while, one could still read wishes, written on them in blue and red markers: “Travel around Africa in 2008”, “Open my first WOFS boutique next year,” “Publish a book in 2009,” “Get married,” “Join the college,”… Soon the wind blew the colorful cloud away, leaving more than fifty men and women from the UK, US, Pakistan, Mongolia, Georgia, Italy, Greece, Australia, Oman and other 18 countries of the world standing in the garden of the creator of the World Of Feng Shui Empire, bestselling Feng Shui author Lillian Too.
Lillian Too's Master Consultants Course - Class of 2007
The Feng Shui Master Consultants course, Class of 2007, held in July recently saw eight students graduate with distinction, with Queenie Fong from Kuantan, Malaysia attaining the highest score. The pass rate this year was 100% and Lillian commented during her closing address on graduation night that she was thrilled at this group's exceptionally high standard of understanding of feng shui, both theoretical and practical, and also the preciseness with which the four hour long exam paper was written. All the students were awarded a Certificate of Practice from the LILLIAN TOO INSTITUTE OF FENG SHUI.
Lillian Too's Master Practitioner's Course in WATER FENG SHUI
The first ever MPC in WATER FENG SHUI (25th till 30th June) was a full house with over 40 students coming from all over the world. The students came from all backgrounds with varying experiences in Feng Shui. Some were prior students of Lillian who had attended the MPC, others came with a background in Feng Shui from reading her many books on the subject.
MPC Students Visit New Township Project In Perak
Lillian Too's Master's Practitioners Course of April 2007 had 52 students coming from Belarus, Shanghai, Czech Republic, Dubai, Europe, Germany, Hong Kong, India, Japan, Leiden, New Caledonia, Philippines, Singapore, Switzerland, U.A.E, UK, USA & Malaysia. Coming from various backgrounds and professions, some the students were amateurs in Feng Shui while others had some basic knowledge in the practice.
MPC June 2006
Students from around the world including countries such as Romania, Venezuela, Qatar and the Unites States attended the recent Master Practitioners Course in Feng Shui on 5th June. The students came from many professions ranging from investment bankers to systems engineers - all putting aside busy schedules to learn feng shui from Lillian Too.
They loved the daily lectures and discussion sessions as well as Lillian's many stories. Students were also taught how to make a wealth vase. As a final test for graduation, students formed groups to perform comprehensive consultations for a sample home. First prize winners were Group D students Ivan Lim, Siddharth Banerjee, May Ong, Laura Wong and Siew Yun. Mr Wong.
Lillian Too launches first Masterclass in Paht Chee with Wit & Humour
48 international students came from across the globe to participate in Lillian Too's first ever weeklong program on how to analyze Eight Characters charts to foretell and improve one's luck.
Also called Paht Chee, this fascinating system of Chinese personal forecasting is about analyzing a destiny chart drawn up according to one’s year, month, day and hour of birth - collectively referred to as the four pillars of one’s destiny.
MPC September 2005
It was a happening September month at WOFS.com when 48 participants from a diversity of backgrounds came to Malaysia to participate in Lillian Too’s Master Practitioners Course in Feng Shui.
The student intake this time around comprised feng shui enthusiasts from Australia, England, France, India, Indonesia, Japan, Mauritius, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Spain, Sri Lanka, U.A.E, USA and Vietnam.
It was a rich multi-cultural group indeed but all had a similar objective – to empower themselves with a solid grounding in Feng Shui Knowledge!
MCC July 2005
Lillian Too's Master Consultants Course is held once a year. It is an advanced course specially designed for those with a good working knowledge of feng shui who want to take their practice of the subject deeper.
The recent graduating class of July 2005 comprised participants from 26 different countries, who aspire to practice feng shui as a professional consultant or expand their own knowledge so they can use it in their own homes more effectively.
All students of this course were graduates of Lillian Too's Master Practitioners Courses (MPC).
MPC May 2005
41 professionals from a diversity of cultures & professions from architects, businessmen and interior designers to IT specialists, advertising specialists and financial controllers - made up the May 2005 batch of Master Practitioners Course students.
They came from Belgium, Brunei, Canada, California, China, Croatia, England, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Malaysia, Mauritius, Nepal, Philippines, Portugal, Romania, Singapore, Thailand, USA and Vietnam.
There were also two pairs of husband and wife teams, as well as two Buddhist nuns!
MPC March 2005
They came from near and far, flying into Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia from as far away as Canada, Mexico, USA, UK, Norway, Russia, Austria and Japan and from closer to home, Mauritius, India, Indonesia, Philippines and Singapore to join ten Malaysians - making up a truly cosmopolitan Master Practitioners Class of March 2005.