Feng Shui For Happiness
The Official Magazine of Edaran Otomobil Nasional Berhad
October 2000
In life, happiness takes many forms. Wealth, health, career, academic success and of course love are the most important manifestations of happiness. The ancient Chinese art of fung shui (literally meaning 'wind and water') aspires of channel the universal 'chi' - the so-called breath of life - to usher in boundless joy and success. If geomantric compasses, Flying Star, the Duke of Jupiter, wind chimes and eight-sided trigrams floor you in your quest to beneficial fung shui, why the easiest and equally effective way is to wear fung shui jewellery! Not any glittering stuff but the real McCoy - the new, exclusive range of fine gold and diamond jewellery designed by Lillian Too, Malaysia's pre-eminent fung shui expert!
Kee Hua Chee attends her latest launch in Auckland and Wellington, New Zealand.
She stated outright that feng shui is there whether he believed it or not and wondering aloud for all to hear why he was on the panel if he did not believe in it.
Though Lillian Too has been advocating the wearing of jewellery based on auspicious designs like dragons, arowana, coins and globe, this was the first time she had been actively involved in its creation. Previously she merely advised on specific details, leaving the fung shui believer in producing the Lillian Too Fung Shui Fine Jewellery for Health, Wealth and Happiness (the official name for her range!) is quite karmic.
Lillian Too may be the artistic and creative director but obviously she did not hammer the gold and set the sparking diamonds herself. The production is done by world class professionals at OE Designs, Malaysia's foremost fine jeweller located in Penang. OE Designs, is the nation's biggest and most successful exporter of finished platinum and gold jewellery whose exquisite works are currently exported to 38 countries across the world. How Lillian Too and OE Designs joined forces is the stuff legends are made.
"In hindsight, I believe Lillian and OE re predestined for each other!" exclaims Ong Li Dong, OE Designs' general manager responsible for this fortuitous collaboration. "Fung Shui did not feature in my life at all until my chance encounter with Lillian Too. As I never bothered about fung shui, I did not give ant thought to a seminar being organised by MCA Youth in Penang. However two of my friends insisted I should join them so I agreed as I had nothing better to do that Sunday. That morning, it rained so heavily I refused to get out of bed and told my friends I would reimburse the RM25 ticket they bought for me. But they insisted on picking me up so I had no excuse not to go!"
"The speeches lasted for an hour and normally I would have walked off but I bought a fung shui book by Lillian at the entrance and got thoroughly engrossed reading it that time sped by. Like that 700 other attendees, I was fascinated by Lillian's presentation and speech on fung shui which to me sounded charming, practical and logical. Her book also had a section on certain luck. Being in the gem business, I was enthralled and wondered if Lillian might be interested in creating a range of her personalized jewellery!"
Ong Li Dong e-mailed Lillian Too with a business proposal, met in Kuala Lumpur, decided on the designs and came up with samples for her approval. Within 6 months, the range was finalized. Launched of OE designs Fine Jewellery shop at Craft Complex in Jalan Conlay, Kuala Lumpur last year, the jewels have been jumping off the shelves. Response was so encouraging Lillian Too and Ong Li Dong took the range to Germany and Greece early this year and now they are storming the antipodes.
Lillian Too is possibly the world's most famous and influential lady fung shui master. Her 42 books have been translated into 21 languages and sold over 3.5 million copies. Her 'Little Book of Fung Shui' tapped the best-seller list for several months in London three years ago while her Complete Illustrated Guide to Fung Shui is acknowledged as the most important book for the layman ever written.
New Zealanders, hardly known for their interest in this esoteric science, flocked by the hundreds for her 3 seminars. Each seminar saw at least 350 Kiwis paying RM70 just to listen to her stimulating, world class talk and so ask questions. In New Zealand, her complete range is found exclusively at Partridge Jewellers in Auckland and Wellington.
"I was simply delighted when Li Dong invited me to launch a range of fung shui jewellery bearing my name. By a great coincidence, I had wanted to do this for a long time but never had time to search for a reputable manufacturer and now one came knocking on my door! Fung shui does work, you know!" grins the irrepressible Lillian Too. She should know of course. After all, she is the first woman managing director of a major Malaysian conglomerate, the first woman in Asia to run a bank, which was Dao Heng, the sixth largest bank in Hong Kong and the first Malaysian to own a Hong Kong department store, Dragon Seed which she sold at huge profits to retire and write fung shui books!
"There is far more than meets the eye in fung shui jewellery," she elaborates. "Prior to this, I merely decide which designs to wear. Naturally I had no control over what the practitioner actually purchased. Here is the crux of the matter. Not all jewellery are created equal! For instance, a dragon pendant or brooch is fantastic for attracting excellent 'chi' but one must be very careful which dragon to wear! A 'hungry' or 'starving' dragon must be avoided at all costs as it will eat up all your good fung shui! Instead of bringing good luck, it might invite the opposite! Mine are dragons of abundance or 'pregnant' dragons which in turn will give birth to new enterprises and subsidiaries! When I was running Hong Leong, the logo featured a 'hungry' dragon which I modified into a 'pregnant' dragon! Sure enough, business boomed and the company kept branching out ad setting up new subsidiaries and associated companies!" So, today, what does she value most in her life?
Lillian Too waves a finger decked out in her fabulous Dragon Tortoise ring "This is my signature ring as it combines the best characteristic of the dragon and tortoise. One represent power, courage, majesty and overwhelming success while the tortoise stands for resoluteness, long life, prosperity and calm. A dragon might encourage you to take excessive risks but the tortoise will act to balance and soothe excessive energy! It also takes care of the new generation of children."
"The sailing ship of prosperity will send in the wealth of the wind and water. Again, one must make sure the base of the ship is decked out in diamonds or gold for maximum effect. Also, there must not be any cannons or guns on board as these will shoot away your luck. Finally, you must wear the ship so it sails towards you bringing you prosperity and not on the wrong lapel or else it will sail away your business luck!"
I took this as the cue to talk about women - a subject she is not particularly fond of. Discrimination? Hasn’t she occupied the top seat in a bank? Yet…said emphatically, whether it is justifiable or not is debatable. “I’ve been at the very, very top of a business career which means I was also a decision maker. Having been up there, I see both sides of things. When it comes to appointing someone to a top position, preference has been for men.
The wearing of jewellery belongs to the branch known as Symbolism Fung Shui. As such, traditional symbols used since time immemorial by the Chinese are adapted; the three-legged toad sitting on a pile of cash, three gold coins, arowana the dragon fish, the globe for worldwide domination and double happiness character. The lowest-priced is the three-legged toad pin at RM1,333 while the most expensive is Lillian Too's signature Dragon Tortoise ring at RM8,888. The latter comes in a limited edition of only 128 rings and each has a serial number engraved on the shank.
Every item is accompanied by a certificate of authencity issued by OE Designs. In addition, each piece carries these hallmarks; 'LT' for Lillian Too's stamp of authencity, 'OE' as a guarantee of high quality manufacturing standards and 'Pt 950' as a guarantee on the fineness of gold or platinum used.
Jewellery For Wealth
1) The Arowana Rings
"The Arowana is said to be the dragon fish which brings instant wealth to those keep him close by Many of the richest tycoons in Asia keep stunning specimens of these beautiful fishes in their homes and in their place of work or private office. Capture the wealth chi of the fish by keeping him close to your body always. Let the Arowana fish embrace and wrap themselves round your fingers! Wealth will follow!"
2) The Three-Legged Toad for Wealth and Career Luck
"If you want the best kind of career and business luck, invest in a Three-Legged Toad. Keep him close by you at all times as he is believed to bring wonderful money opportunities into your life. This has been one of my most successful fung shui energizers. My career flourished and my business luck just took off when I brought the Three-Legged Toad into my house. Now I am never without it."
3) The Sailing Ship for Wealth and Business Luck
"The Sailing Ship loaded with gold brings wealth from the winds and the waters.
It is very powerful so remember to ONLY wear it sailing TOWARDS you and and never away from you. Wear it on your lapel and wealth and fortune will sail into your life. Wear it on the wrong side and the ship will carry away the wealth instead."
4) The Dragon Tortoise Limited Edition Ring
"This is the ultimate potent symbol as it combines the very best elements of the Golden Dragon and Dragon Tortoise in one ring! My Dragon Tortoise Ring is one fung shui adornment we should not do without as it is excellent for longevity, prosperity and protection.
It also transcends its power to the next generation so the fung shui you enjoy now in this lifetime will be carried forward into the next generation! This Dragon Tortoise Ring is my signature and the one I wear daily"
5) The Globe Pendant and Necklace for Literary and Study Luck
"The Globe is an excellent symbol for children of school going age as it energises their literary and study luck. It is also an excellent way to energise fung shui earth luck. The globe stands for universal success, especially when it is related to education. It is particularly vital if your school children are going overseas to further their education."
6) The Double Happiness Cuff Links, Ring and Earrings
"The Double Happiness symbol has always been cherished as the most magnificent symbol of conjugal bliss and joy. Not only does it symbolize happiness twicefold but its also aimed at two partners in relationship or marriage, i.e. the husband and wife. These exquisitely designed pieces from my collection start with this wonderful symbol of love. Get them yourself and your loved ones."
7) The Golden Pendant for Luck
"The Golden Dragon is exceptionally auspicious in most years but especially during a Year of the Gold Dragon which is the year 2000.
As this is a year of the Gold Dragon, those who wish to make plenty of money on the investment front should wear this potent symbol for double luck!"
8) The Golden Dragon Brooch for Luck
"Pin this fat Golden Dragon on your lapel or blouse and you are sure to usher in good luck and fortune!
Keep this dragon near your heart and let it bring in all manner of success."
9) The Imperial Dragon for Career Luck
"The Dragon is the ultimate symbol of good fortune and luck. Always have at least one dragon on your body to generate the cosmic 'chi' that brings great good fortune. The dragon is especially powerful at the start of a new millennium just as we are now so the timing is perfect. My Dragons are designed to be free and to fly. The more diamonds there are on or near his body, the more auspicious is the dragon."
10) The Auspicious Coins for Wealth and Prosperity
"The rings, earrings, necklace and cuff links are very potent symbols of wealth for attracting prosperity 'chi'. Here, the exquisitely designed coins feature the square with the round that unites the luck of heaven and earth. The diamonds signify the most valuable of the earth's treasures. I recommend you wear a total of 9 coins on your body to signify and stimulate the fullness of the luck in heaven." |
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